Prep and Preamble Part 1

So here's a little background. Ever since I was 17 years old and watched the likes of Lorenzo Lamas and John Stamos ride their unforgettable Harley-Davidsons while playing very forgettable roles, I made it a mission to own one of these beauties.

Then I saw the price tag, and I said, "Ok, maybe not now, but definitely by 40. A very small one."

Last year I turned 39 and still hadn't got my riding license. I reminded myself of the dream, reminded myself that I don't want to look back one day and see that I sold my rock-n-roll soul and didn't make enough time for - well - rock and roll. I didn't want to be that kind of role model to my kids.

So I signed up for lessons, bought the bike, broke my leg (completely unrelated to motorbikes, or my mother would not let me hear the end of it) got the bike, finally healed enough to ride again, passed my test on the third try. All before my 40th birthday. Hardest thing I ever did.

Ain't it a beaut? Harley-Davidson Iron 883N 2015.

And how should I celebrate the onset of mid-life? Well, with a mid-life ride of course. Solo. Me and my machine, getting to know and understand each other out on Malaysian country roads with plenty of time for self-reflection and deep thoughts.

Which brings me to the reason for this blog. It was quite hard to find much detail on good routes for riding, despite hours spent working the Google search bar. And, I'll probably want something to do while reclining in a hotel room somewhere easing my aching butt after a half-day's ride. So I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and write a daily account of my meanderings complete with pictures, maps and what not. For posterity, while I rest my posterior.

There's the preamble, now the prep. What started off planned as a 9 day ride got truncated to a 3 day family weekend in Desaru followed by a four-day ride. Mostly due to work commitments. Did I mention selling my soul?

The initial idea was to start in Nusajaya with an overnight stop in Endau before heading up to Cherating for two nights, with a ride through my Kuantan hometown on the way. Then cut across to the west coast, two nights in Port Dickson, one night in Muar and then back home. No highways or main roads, a fully coastal/countryside ride. Ian - a friend of mine - intended to join me for half the trip.o

Ian and I, after a Sunday morning ride to Kota Tinggi

I ordered some saddlebags and a touring seat, which won't arrive on time. I also bought an old-fashioned map (yes, they still sell these!). To date, here is a picture of the extent of my preparations.

I leave in two days. More on the final plan in the next post.
