Wedding, Work and Wending my way Home
In hindsight, maybe best that the last post got deleted and put me off writing til I got home to my laptop. Because the next three planned installments are short enough to fit into one. First the wedding. It was beautiful. My cousin looked gorgeous, the groom can dance like Travolta, the booze flowed freely and everyone was happy. I did a scripture reading at the service which I only remembered I was supposed to do about 3 seconds before my name was called. Despite being atheist and the whole idea of an atheist reading scripture made me want to laungh, I was told I pulled it off with sufficient parts gravitas and drama. Then the bride made a last-minute request for me to play a song, something else I was unprepared for. But I did, and it turned out well. It was an Uncle Mike staple (Mike taught me my first four chords on the guitar) and some in the audience who know and remember him fondly were moved. from left to right: the Groom, the Maid-of Honour (also the bride's young...